Lessons Learned in my Thirties: Part Two

I've said this before and I'll say it again, your THIRTIES will be some of the best years of your life. They will also be the years that you really start to get to know who you are as an individual. With that being said, there will be many lessons learned along the way. Two years ago at the age of 33, I wrote all about some of those life lessons and you can read it here. Now that I'm 35, I feel like there is even more that I've learned about life and myself. So I thought I would share some of the life lessons with you in a Part 2, of this very topic. 


1. Friends are everything. Make time for them even when you feel like you don't have the time to give. 

2. Live some place that you miss every time you leave.

3. Make plans, but say “NO” sometimes if you need to.

4. You can have it all, and yet still feel lonely. 

5. Find something that makes you genuinely happy. And do it often.

6. People will disappoint you at some point in your life. But don't let it ruin the relationship. We're all human. 

7. Change is inevitable. But it's how you react to it, that will make the difference in the end. 

8. Speak Up. Don't be afraid to express yourself and have honest conversations. 

9. Surround yourself with strong & supportive women. 

10. Eat healthier and make time for working out. Metabolism is a thing of the past. 

11. You will remember experiences above anything else in life. 

12. Not everyone is meant to play a role in your life. And that’s okay. 

13. Do more things that are out of your comfort zone.

14. Don’t be afraid to reconnect with old friends. Sometimes we get it right the second time around. 

15. Don't let people who don't see your vision detour you from your goals. 

16. The relationship you have with yourself will either be beneficial or detrimental to the relationships you have with others. 

17. Get in the habit of practicing Self Care. 

18. There is no statue of limitations on starting over. 

19. Confidence within yourself will be your best weapon when it comes to career, dating and life in general. 

20. Your THIRTIES will be the years that you will reinvent yourself over and over again. Enjoy the journey! 


What is the best life lesson you've learned in your thirties?!  Comment below. 


XO, Dana Rae