New York feels like a rush of all of your senses at once. It’s can be overwhelming and invigorating at the same damn time. If you’ve ever been to New York or lived here, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Most of the reasons I love living in the city are the exact reasons many people despise it. And I’ve come to accept that. I always tell people, New York isn’t for everyone and that’s OKAY. But for those of us who call New York home, it’s everything we LOVE and CRAVE.

Living in New York City during the Covid-19 pandemic has been something that I never could have imagined. And watching the city shutter has been heartbreaking, yet eye opening. A city like New York doesn’t often get shaken, but this pandemic has certainly taken it’s toll. I know the past few months have been difficult for all of us, no matter where you live. But life as we know it in New York may never be the same. And that’s a hard reality to face if you live here.

I’ve been trying to put my thoughts and feelings into words in order to best describe the past few months. And to explain why it’s so different in New York vs other cities. There is no doubt, that the whole country has been affected by this pandemic. But I think most New Yorkers would agree, that it feels a bit heavier here.

I’ve witnessed and heard of so many people deciding to leave the city after experiencing this pandemic. And I definitely understand why. Many New Yorkers don’t have the small luxuries that others do. We depend on laundromats, corner stores, public transportation and being able to roam free throughout the city 24/7. We often don’t have the space to give ourselves, much less a stranger to be 6 ft. away. Living here consists of constant contact with others whether it be on the Subway, a crowded street, a busy Starbucks, a Broadway theater, a favorite watering hole or simply standing online.

Our playground IS Manhattan. So when it’s unaccessible, it makes life a little harder. New Yorkers are so used to having the city at their disposal. And now we’ve had to shelter in place inside our small apartments for months. Which many of us live with roommates. And our only outdoor space consists of a fire escape or makeshift rooftop.

I myself, have questioned if I want to stay or leave. It’s hard to imagine what life in the city will look like moving forward. Especially since we’ve barely begun reopening the city, as of now. But I also know that this city is as resilient as they come. And with time, New York will once again be filled with crowded streets, honking horns, people rushing around and that electric energy we all love so much.

dear New York I miss you

When I look back, I want to remember:

Happy hours on our rooftop

Cheering for the frontline workers at 7pm

Baking with my best friend

Finding joy in cooking again

Sharing daily meals w/ my roommates

Slow mornings & fresh coffee

Rooftop Workouts

Dance parties in our living room

Late night runs to the Bodega for ice cream

FaceTime calls with long distance friends

Afternoons spent at the park

Zoom Happy Hours

…and all the other little things that made this difficult time a little more bearable.

I’m sure that this experience will always stand out over the years in my lifetime. And I want to always remember the good with the bad. Maybe this time will serve as a bigger purpose for us all. A time where we reflected more, had more time to do the things we loved, connected more with friends and family and allowed ourselves to slow down a bit.

What do you want to remember from this time? How have the past few months changed your outlook on life?

XO, Dana Rae